Mario De Camillis

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina Mario is a dancer and tango teacher. But above all he is a Porteño, a native of the most representative city of tango in the world, where this culture is appreciated in every corner. In the way of living and being of the Porteños!

Where he not only learn the dance, but also all the culture that surrounds a classic, popular tradition and as such in constant change.

From the beginning of it, two marked directions were seen in his search, both artistic and educational. A clear development of traditional tango together with the search for fusion between dance and theater. 

What is his tango?... these words try to explain it. 

My tango, waht tango? the traditional, of course, the one that rescue the root, the connection and the pleasure in each movement

The dance on the floor, the cadence, the musicality and the atmosphere that can only be achieved in the intimacy of a deep embrace fused in the beating of a single heart.

But also the merged one, the one that tests, evolves, mixes gets lost and finds with the only reason to play. The capricious, the one who has no place of departure or arrival. Just a climate, an idea, an atmosphere integrating theater and dance

Mario loves teaching tango and has the pleasure of being able to do so in spanish, english, french and german. 
At the moment he is in Basel, Switzerland from where travels the world 


where does his tango come from?

Tango came into his life when he was studying philosophy and psychology, which radically changed his way of being, In part, his partial studies at the university gave him the possibility of approaching the genre in a particular way.

But, he could no longer sit still, just dance and dance. Goodby uni! 

Tango became an unavoidable obsession. A way of living and enjoying life. The university was left behind and from that moment in 2001 tango became his greatest passion. 

here are the most representatives teachers he had. 

The one and only Jose Garofalo. 
Later, Patricia Lamberti, Luis Solanas, the great Omar Vega and Julio Balmaceda. 

He went through the first formation called ballet tango school (later caled ACETA) specialty in TANGO SALON

Where he met and learned from the old tango dancers, called milongueros. The milongueros are the most particular thing that can be found in tango.

Some real diamonds like Osvaldo y Coca Carteri, Pupi Castello, Carlos Gavito, Carlos y Rosita Perez, Carlos Moyano, Eduardo Pareja, Chino Perico, Portalea and Orlando Paiva.

Also teachers like Graciela Gonzalez, Elina Roldán, Claudia Codega, Horacio Godoy, Julio Balmaceda, Corina de la Rosa and  Verónica Alvarenga.

Tango stage with: Milena Plebs, Guillermina Quiroga, Gloria y Eduardo Arquimbau.

Music and orchestra with Ramiro Boero y Nelida Rouchetto. .





In his early tango days he garnered the following awards, after which he set out and teach and present shows around the world:


  • Metropolitan Champion Waltz category. 

  • Metropolitan Champion Milonga category. 

  • Sub-Champion Metropolitan Tango category. 


  • VII Tango world Championship. 8th place in Salon category

  • VII Tango world Championship 9th. place in stage category

  • VII Metropolitan Tango Championship. 3rd. place in Waltz category

  • VII Metropolitan Tango Championship 9th. place in Milonga category




  • Argentina Tango World Championship  (ver video)

  • Buenos Aires Tango Festival (participating with choreographers such as Alejandro Cervera, Leonardo Cuello, Milena Plebs and Pablo Inza)


  • Luna Park Stadium. Final of the World Tango Championship. Stage category

  •  Luna Park Stadium. Final of the World Tango Championship. Salon category

  • Tango Porteño. Semifinals of the world Tango Championship

  • La Trastienda. Tango World Championship

  • Cambalache International Festival. Dance theater play "Pedacito" with the group Zootropo.

  • Verdedanza Festival. Dance play "Pedacito"with the group Zootropo. 

  • Endanza Festival. Dance play "Pedacito" with the group Zootropo


  • 4to. Festival Internacional Cambalache. Junto al grupo Tango Protesta


  • 3er. Festival Internacional Cambalache. Junto al grupo Tango Protesta



  • Milongas: Porteño y Bailarín, Parakultural Salón Canning, Zona Garufa Konex, El Gardel de Medellín, Milonga 10, el Social Buenos Aires, la Divina Milonga, Milonga del Conventillo

  • Presentation of  Ballet Tango Escuela together with the Tango Orchestra of the city of Buenos Aires at the Coliseo theater. 

  • General San Martin Cultural Center

  • At the Chacarerean Theatre with the D'Coté quartet



  • Obra "El sonido de las caricias" Febrero/Marzo 2010, Teatro Abasto

  • Obra teatral "Ensalada Mistonga" (temporada en el teatro Verdi, dirección coreográfica de José Garófalo)

  • "Fin de Fiesta"


Integrando el grupo Tango Protesta

(Bailarines de tango, danza contemporánea, actores, artistas plásticos, arquitectos, vestuaristas, en busca de integrar el lenguaje del tango con las situaciones sociales. Fusionando las diferentes disciplinas)

  • Performance en la Fiesta Rojo Vermouth (El Social)

  • Performance "El Tiburón"

  • Performance sobre la trata de personas

  • Performance en la semana mundial del ambiente. Organizado por la Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable de la Nación

  • Performance en relación con el día del trabajador y los 30 años del Golpe de Estado. En la milonga Porteño y Bailarín

  • Performance "Fin de Fiesta" en La Divina Milonga

  • Ambientango I y II primera fiesta de tango electrónico en Niceto Club

  • Performance en el Teatro "El Victorial" junto al cuarteto "Un Vagón de Tango"

  • Exhibición en la Fundación PROA (encuentro de ArteBA)


Experiencia Docente (desde 2002)

  • Clases regulares en la Municipalidad de Lomas de Zamora

  • Clases regulares y seminarios especiales en "La Escuela Argentina de Tango"

  • Festival de Tango de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (CCGSM)

  • Clase especial Aniversario de la 2x4 (CCGSM)

  • Clases regulares en el Complejo "Piazzolla Tango"

  • Clases regulares en la Milonga de la Orquesta Típica "Fernández Fierro"

  • Clases regulares en la Milonga de la Orquesta "La Furca"

  • Clases regulares en "La Divina Milonga"

  • Seminario especial en la milonga "Porteño y Bailarín"

  • Clases regulares en la "Milonga en Orsay"

  • El Camarín de las Musas

  • Centro de jubilados (grupo Armonía)


Experiencia organizativa

  • Staff del 2do., 4to. y 5to. Festival Cambalache. Encargado de sala y recepción y coordinación de grupos extranjeros

  • Organizador de la "Milonga del Conventillo" 2005-2007

  • Grupo Tango Protesta (2005-2009)